What the H*** have the Liberal Democrats done?
Shocking revelations by insider William Summers! Page after page of hidden truths they would rather you didn't know about.
Shocking revelations by insider William Summers! Page after page of hidden truths they would rather you didn't know about.
Last minute papers tabled at the Cabinet meeting of the Conservative administration running Surrey County Council has revealed an underspend of £22.5m on the capital budget, plus a further underspend of £38.2m on its revenue budget for 2010/11, in the year ending 31 March 2011.
The European Parliament has voted today on a number of important amendments to improve consumer rights in the EU. The votes amend the European Commission's proposal for a new consumer rights directive intended to update and replace a set of four existing laws regarding sales of goods and services from business-to-consumer. The vote on the overall text was postponed in order to keep open the chance for a first reading agreement with the Council.