Surrey’s Conservative administration cover up the true state of the county’s roads
Surrey County Council's Conservative administration is covering up the true state of the County's roads according to the Liberal Democrat opposition at County Hall.
Surrey County Council's Conservative administration is covering up the true state of the County's roads according to the Liberal Democrat opposition at County Hall.
The Liberal Democrats are calling on Surrey County Council to protect the County's Green Belt. In a motion to the County Council next Tuesday, 19 March, Liberal Democrat Councillor Ian Beardsmore will call on the Council to do everything in its power to protect Green Belt land and to ensure that any Green Belt development in the County is in line with the needs and wishes of Surrey residents.
Commenting on the further raising of the Personal Allowance, Hazel Watson the Liberal Democrat Leader of the Opposition on Surrey County Council, said:
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council were the only party at today's budget setting meeting to vote for a freeze in Council Tax for Surrey residents, and against the Conservative administration's 1.99% Council Tax increase.
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council have welcomed the formal announcement that following the pressure they have brought to bear on Surrey County Council's Conservative Cabinet a future overnight stay at Farnham Castle has been cancelled.
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council have today announced their priorities for the 2013/14 County Council budget following their announcement calling for a Council Tax freeze last week.