Lib Dems back More Complaints Please!
Surrey County Council's Liberal Democrats are calling on the County Council to make it easier for Surrey residents to complain about the services that the council provides.
Surrey County Council's Liberal Democrats are calling on the County Council to make it easier for Surrey residents to complain about the services that the council provides.
Commenting on the announcement that £15.5 million of projected savings in Surrey County Council's Adult Social Care budget is being written off, Liberal Democrat Adult Social Care Spokesperson Fiona White said "This is Tory financial incompetence of the highest order.
Surrey Liberal Democrats have warmly welcomed proposals which will see the county receive nearly £25 million more in school funding than under the current system. This comes as part of an extra £350million boost to schools in the least fairly funded areas in the country.
The Conservative administration at Surrey County Council have today refused to debate a motion from the Liberal Democrats which highlighted failings by the County Council in preparing for flooding, while agreeing to debate a motion discussing an "anodyne approach" to tackling flooding .
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council have welcomed a review of Surrey County Council's road safety policy that is taking place throughout Surrey's boroughs and districts.
Liberal Democrats are proposing a six point action plan to tackle Surrey's flooding. The proposals aim to reduce the impact of future heavy rain by putting in place preventative measures. They are: