What now for School Transport?
Surrey County Council did not reply to the government's recent consultation on school transport. Despite the Liberal Democrat motion to Council (see "Liberal Democrats Speak Up for School Transport" 11th June 2004) noting that a response should be given by June 25th, the matter was instead referred to the Executive and hence missed the deadline.
Included in the government's proposals are measures that could allow local authorities to introduce charges for children who currently receive free school transport. The effect could mean more parents delivering their children to school by car, increasing both congestion and pollution.
Having prevented the rest of the Council from expressing a view, the Executive Member for Transport has now written to the Government to explain why Surrey has not replied. It seems that the Tory administration is spending public money hiring a Consultant to tell the Council whether introducing charges for children who currently receive free school transport, will increase car journeys to school!
The Consultant is due to report in the autumn and their report will then have to be considered by County select committees and the Executive before a decision is likely to be made towards the end of the year. The Executive did not consider it was in a position to complete the Consultation Questionnaire until this study had been completed.
County Councillor Colin Taylor said "What a classic! It looks as if they were asleep until our motion arrived. Now they are going to pay a Consultant to tell them what to think, and blame that for missing the deadline! A golden opportunity to tell Messrs Blair and Brown that their plans are unacceptable to the people of Surrey has been squandered."