What now for Evening and Weekend Bus Services?
It appears that Lib Dem pressure to make the Tory administration think twice before they propose any further cuts to bus services in the County, may be bearing fruit. No further cuts have been made to bus services and Transport Consultative Groups have been set up. The Conservative administration was persuaded that the review of public transport taking place after the drastic cuts made last year should be widened to include all transport provided within Surrey, and the Task Group is soon to announce the findings.
County Councillor Janet Maines said "There has now been an in depth review, in which I have been involved from the start. The NHS Primary Care Trusts representative has been working with the Task Group. The proposals to come from the review should enable an improved service for Surrey residents, both in public and community transport. I hope the Executive will bite the bullet and put in place the recommendations that are coming from the Select Committee."