Voluntary sector cuts
The Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council opposed the Conservative administration's original proposals to cut funding to Surrey voluntary organisations to the tune of £838,000, because of its likely adverse impact on the most vulnerable Surrey residents. Subsequently, the Conservative administration has announced revised plans to make cuts of between £213,000 and £550,000.
The Conservatives are considering implementing the following proposals:
- Creating a coalition of disabled people by bringing together Surrey Users Network, the Voluntary Association for Surrey Disabled and Empowerment Boards.
- Reducing funding to the Surrey Independent Living Council (SILC) for providing support and advice for disabled people wishing to consider direct payments as they are considering bringing this service in-house within the County Council.
- The County Council to provide in-house advice, advocacy, mediation and investigation in relation to complaints against itself in place of funding the external organisation called Advocacy Mediation and Independent Investigation Service as at present.
- Further cutting funding to the Surrey Welfare Rights Unit (SWRU).
Liberal Democrat County Councillors have questioned whether the "savings" will be genuine savings as the County Council will incur additional costs by providing services in-house.
We have also expressed concern about the independence of advice, advocacy and investigation into complaints about the County Council if these services are provided by the County Council itself!
The Liberal Democrats also led the opposition to the Tory cuts to the SWRU because it currently provides expert advice on complex welfare rights cases to other voluntary organisations in support of vulnerable people.