Fly Tipping to Increase!
Just a few days after criticial local elections across all of Surrey, residents who use Bagshot, Cranleigh, Dorking and Warlingham CRCs will only be able to take recycling to these sites, from Tuesday 7 May 2019. The change comes following a Cabinet decision in January 2019 to keep the sites open temporarily in order to find an alternate route of funding.
Another change agreed at the Cabinet meeting was to start charging for the acceptance of construction wood waste such as sheds, fencing panels and posts, decking and fitted kitchen units, and roofing felt.
However, it has now been revealed that due to a lack of payment points at some of the CRCs this will not be a facility enjoyed by all centres: from Tuesday 7 May 2019 residents will no longer be able to take any wood waste or roofing felt to Bagshot, Caterham, Cranleigh, Dorking and Warlingham CRCs. All other CRCs will start accepting payments for these items on Monday 3 June 2019.
Cllr Chris Botten, leader of the Liberal Democrats at Surrey County Council, said:
"I have to say this is very puzzling. Whilst I appreciate that 4 of the sites in question will now only be accepting recyclable waste, the refusal to take wood waste at the Caterham site is not what I was expecting, and is news which comes completely out of the blue. I do not recall any mention of this in the consultation.
"There is no time to prepare for this and I see this as a major erosion of service which will significantly increase the fly tipping. You need to ensure that sites have the facility to accept payments, even if that is only contactless payment. I consider this is very serious.
"I do not understand why Parishes have not been approached to see if they would cover some of the costs SCC are hoping to save. Councils will incur significant costs from the fly tipping - or rather, others will."